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Apostrophe for Contractions

A contractions matching game.

7-11 year olds

Primary Resources

Don't miss this wealth of worksheets, ideas, activities and resources for primary teachers. Sections included are literacy, homework, maths, science and art. Some resources are online, others are in PDF format.

5-11 year olds

Department for Education

The Department for Education in the UK was formed on 12 May 2010. This site has education news, information and statutory guidance for schools and parents.

3-18 year olds

Grammar and Punctuation

This guide has been put together to help students' understanding of grammar and punctuation. Each point of grammar has an explanation and exercises. Great for either working through or dipping into if you want to brush up on a particular point.

16-18 year olds

Top 10 Tips for Revision

Exams and tests can be a stressful time for most students, but follow these fantastic stress-free tips for revising kindly contributed by the pupils of Kingsley School.

11-18 year olds

Childnet E-safety Calendar for Schools

Looking for ideas for teaching e-safety in schools? This calendar has games and activities for key dates like Safer Internet Day and Anti-Bullying Week.

5-18 year olds

Missing Pop Star Puzzle

Work out what happened to the missing celebrity and write a newspaper article about the event. Lots of tips on improving your writing style.

9-11 year olds

Educational Resources on Hidden Plastics

An engaging lesson plan and set of educational resources on hidden plastics and how to protect the environment against them.

11-16 year olds

Map Reading Skills for Children

Top ideas and tips on how to promote children's interest in reading maps. It includes free downloadable activity cards.

7-11 year olds
Teachers, Pupils

Words for Life

Words for Life’s aim is to inspire more people to read, more regularly, for both pleasure and personal advancement. Useful booklists especially chosen to appeal to less confident readers. Free resources matched to books.

3-11 year olds
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